Album Review: Cherry Glazerr Are “Stuffed And Ready”

Cherry Glazerr’s Stuffed And Ready feels symbolic. As persons, so many times, we are propped and “prepped” to “face the world.” The truth is that we are, actually, being molded to fit what “the world” wants from us. The problem is that no human being is without wants or needs, and growing up, in some ways, is about shedding away the world’s desire for you so as to seek your own wishes for yourself. In Cherry Glazerr’s new album, this theme is prevalent. 

“Pieces,” “Self- Explained,” and ‘Wasted Nun” feel like the sung pleas of someone trying to figure out whether they need to “explain” themselves to this world anymore. Life is a journey of constant self-discovery, but, often, we are confronted by those that think we “owe” them a “list” of what we have found. From “Isolation” to “Daddi,” lead singer, Clementine Creevy, is in her feelings about it all, and showing that anger is the defensive older brother of sadness and pain. Hence, vocally, she irons her notes as if piping, hot frustration was flattening her shirted dreams; straightening every crinkle that ripples her emotions to make her heart feel unwearable.

Cherry Glazerr – Daddi

Sonically, Stuffed And Ready jounces its melodies as if a guitar can play hop-scotch. Cherry Glazerr springs chords to make their sound feel like a turf war between pop and rock. She, somehow, edges her sweet sound to display that finding yourself is the best journey you do not want to take. From “Distressor” to “Ohio,” Creevy’s voice brands verses with a metallic shimmer that glistens feelings of depression, egotism, and the exciting euphoria that comes in-between them.She goes from an invincible warrior to a wounded civilian; trying to figure out when she is a hero or needs to save herself. The result is a record that is a perfect follow up to Apocalipstick.

Cherry Glazerr – Juicy Socks (Official Video)

Apocalipstick was incredibly reviewed with good reason. It made the anxieties of being alive, especially as a woman, feel like glitter floating through air. In a world that is trying to learn to heal itself, Cherry Glazerr’s ability to transfer self-analysis into gleaming, roaring sonics is needed. Thus, Stuffed And Ready feels like a solid continuation of that necessity. For More Information On Cherry Glazerr Click Here.