Album Review: Hippo Campus Show We All Feel Like “Bambi”
From #MeToo to the Global News Cycle, Hippo Campus used Bambi as an opportunity to say how affected they have become as individuals by the world’s current state, and, frankly, we all have. There is no way that the news does not trickle down into our everyday, and make you wonder whether the world will ever get better, especially for certain groups like, women. In allowing themselves to reveal their fear and confusion, Bambi matures Hippo Campus, and makes them more universally accessible.
In perspective, like Bambi, so many children are being born into a world of upheaval and tragedy. The youth is not safe, and, now more than ever, we realize that, but music is willing to say we struggle with this fact. Hence, mental health issues are confronted through Bambi’s soundscape, which is surprisingly more minimal than Hippo Campus’ first album, landmark. If their first album was joyfully moody, Bambi is thoughtfully so; sporadically breaking out from quiet melodies into stomping hooks that add a powerful sensitivity to their usual merriment.
Hippo Campus – Bambi (Official Video)
Sure, Hippo Campus want to bring their usual busting, buzzing snares and drums, but they also want to get real and decipher how happiness can go beyond a moment into a state of being. They need to because we, as human beings, need to. Thus, “Honestly,” “Golden,” “Anxious,” “Mistakes,” and “Why Even Try” are some of my favorite songs from the album, and highlight the exciting step Hippo Campus have taken to go from from charming quirky guys to vulnerable, enlightening men. There is always something endearing to males that leave their hearts open, which makes Jake Luppen oddly feel like the manliest, most charming guy.
Hippo Campus – Golden (Official Audio)
When men reveal they are emotional, they do not look “femme” to women; they look human. Emotionality is tied to woman, but songs like “Think It Over,” “Passenger,” and “Doubt,” show guys think and feel, as well. The difference lies in how we allow and judge each other, sentimentally, based on gender. Hippo Campus breaks such molds, and Luppen’s vocals feel emotively clear while doing so. Therefore, it seems right and righteous that their soundscapes sound more precise and purposeful, especially in uniting with their lyrics. Bambi shows Hippo Campus are not “boys making music” but men gaining an artistic mission. For More Information On Hippo Campus And To Buy Bambi on September 28 Click Here.