Album Review: Julian Lage And Chris Eldridge Show Music Was Born In “Mount Royal”
Sometimes, you need album to live in through your headphones. Julian Lage and Chris Eldridge have made said album through Mount Royal. By showing the beauty of a guitar as a singular, incomparable instrument, Mount Royal reminds listeners that the words they play in their mind to the sounds heard around can be as artful as a song-writers.
There is something stupefying and stunning about an album strictly based in instrumental melodies and how you make a chord progress into a seeming, musical infinity. It is as if music is the key to reaching eternity on earth, and somehow you were to silly to realize it. Through their gorgeous guitar play, Lage and Eldridge exude such a philosophy. Each strum is plucked like a cherry from a tree; dripping with the sonic juice of love and nature. There are times like in “Henry” or “Bone Collector”, where you will think you are running though a field of green and honeyed grass. These guys know how to make a song that summons the loveliness of nature, or at least, calms your mind enough for you to listen. It is in that capacity that they do not need lyrics. The visions you muster by hearing their guitars play is enough to speak to your soul. Yet, there are tracks like “Mississippi Valley” and “Sleeping By Myself” where Eldridge gets to show his won grassroots vocals.
Eldridge has an earthy set of vocals that when dinsplayed in the album feel richer because of their rareness. For the most part, the record is all about the power of the guitar, but Eldridge’s voice comes in like an occasional wind with a kind story to tell. The result is a record that can easily be played on those moments when you want music to make you dream while also make you rest. For More Information On Julian Lage and Chris Eldridge to buy Mount Royal Click Here.