Album Review: MisterWives “Connect The Dots” To A Successful Sophomore Album
MisterWives’ sophomore album, Connect The Dots , brings new ground to their classic “playground” style. There is a child-like playfulness to MisterWives’ music that is not lost as much as grown into new genre-slides like, electro-pop, tropical, and folk-pop. Their indie-rock may have made a splashy debut, but this album is about making solid one; where their creative talent is more expanded for its meaningfulness.
MisterWives – Coloring Outside The Lines (Audio)
I always say that at times being “fun” can be , wrongfully, misconstrued for not being serious. While Connect The Dots begins with an eletro-rock flare that recollects and reverberates in “Machine”, “Chasing This”, and “Only Human”. These tracks carry the bigness of MisterWives with boisterous instrumentals and a paces woos from quick-steps to wavy fluidity. For the band, their sophomore attempt was mutual celebration and analysis of what makes them vibrant. Thus, Connect The Dots is more than just a title, but a frame of reference for the the summer they spent locked in a sound room having laughs as friends and ideas as artists. It is for this reason that the album starts with a bang, like a supernova with bright synth-specks tossed about, but transitions to into a intriguing, new space around the middle. “Revolution” and “Out Of Tune” elaborate that lead vocalist Mandy Lee is a narrator and a singer. She breaks apart lyrics according to story, and, like any teller, she uses her range and tone to stretch the magnitude of certain details. Thus, proving that Lee cannot only keep a note but she can transform it into a nuance. Other songs such as “Bandcamp”, “Coloring Outside The Lines”, and “Let The Light In” give a dreamy, Radiohead rock vibe in their instrumentals/ lyrics. The arrangements seem forested; as if MisterWives entered the woods for inspiration, and used the sounds of trees and leaves to put down every chord. You can definitely tell the band expanded in musicianship and vision through the different interplays and techniques that play out in these songs to add flesh to their sonic bone or rather “connect the dots”. Moreover, their mystic vibes in said songs and in “Oh, Love” and “Drummer Boy” build the freeing nature of their already fun aura.
MisterWives – Machine
MisterWives’ sophomore album is far from a slump. Instead, it is a step upwards, and achieves what every artist wishes to do in their second try; get better. They have used Connect The Dots as an attempt to impress themselves with the new styles and stories they could muster, and , in turn, impress listeners, as well. Thus, elevating that when you take fun seriously; you can actually make more fun creatively. For More Information On MisterWives Click And To Buy Connect The Dots On May 19 Click Here.
MisterWives – Oh Love (Audio)