Album Review: Son Lux Wonder What Will Happen To Us In “Tomorows (Part I)”

I LOVE SON LUX! Their ability to make life feel like a dark fantasy is what keeps fans coming back. Their sound is 100% theirs, and embodies how club scenes are not simply about escapism but futurism. They are havens for people to dream of a freer world, and pretend that on the dancefloor is where it will be born. Their newest record, Tomorrows I, is an exuberant, sonic “F**K YOU” to oppression and an embracing that a music soundscape might be helm to more revolutions than a political landscape.
Son Lux – “Plans We Made” (Official Visualizer)

One thing that makes me so EXCITED about being young, and looking forward to the futures of those whom are younger, is that we understand urgency. You can’t tell a human being to wait for their rights and equality, which is what, in many ways, generations of poor, female, BIPOC, and LGBTQIIA people have been told. The claim is that progress involves patience and understanding that Rome wasn’t built in a day, which is true. Yet, it was torn down in one, and Tomorrows I accepts reinventions are not instant but collapses are, which is why they are bound to rebirth.
Son Lux – Tomorrows I Teaser

 You are born and you die in a moment, and life is what happens in-between. Songs such as, “Bending Shadows,” “Last Light, ” and “Involution” reveal people are not, necessarily, asking to live; they are asking to reborn. They are revealing willingness to build a new world, by pressing the restart button and blanking all that was to make all that can be. This is reflected in tracks like, “Only” and “Plans We Made,” which sonically feel like one is trudging through black mud to get to a silver kingdom. Every synth and baseline feels born from the ambient stars of a faraway desert. Frankly, the whole album feels like a 2049 Zumba Class being held in an ASMR convention; its sounds make you want to leap and jolt in the future while also melting and resting in its scapes. Out August 14, Son Lux’s Tomorrows I Comes is the first of 3 albums they plan to release throughout the year. #gethyped  For More Information Click Here.