Artist Close-Up: Raffaella Sings To The Over-Thoughts We Share

Vanity is a strange thing because it is not just an obsession to be pretty and liked. It really an obsession with the image of being “pretty” and “liked”. Whether you want to be Kim Kardashian or make fun of her and what she represents, the minute you begin a bond with someone by believing they are better than you then, in  a way, you are working with your ego; and trying to pluck up yourself or pluck that person down until you feel equal. Yet, as Raffaella sang her 6 songs at Rockwood, she realized you never feel good looking up to others if you fail to look straight at yourself. 

From discussing her history of anti-depressants to observing the madness of her sorority life, Raffaela had a packed show of friends, family, and fans who see her as the voice of “over-thinking”. Yes, I know that over-thinking is bad, but we all do it. Frankly, Father John Misty has made a career off of discussing the endless of pit of over-thinking that could lead us to depressing, irrational thoughts. Yet, more importantly, they lead us to being lesser versions of ourselves. Why? Because no truly happy person is worried about how others get or maintain their happiness. Thus, Raffaela felt like an intriguing artist because beyond her interpersonal warmth and quick- wit was a bare, young woman attesting the the universal dilemma that is figuring life out. 

Whether it is her subject matters or her demeanor, Raffaela has a subtle theatrical vibe. She is crisp and clear in her voice, which shows she has been trained. She annunciates her lyrics as if they were pouring out of her like filtered water: with the utmost clarity. As she smiles, she looks up as if her emotions were stars above her trying to guide her to a skier view of life. In some ways, this is why I liked her. It is always refreshing to see someone say, “I only know that I know nothing!” Yet, when they play that thought over a piano, its wisdom hits you tenfold. We never really do “figure life out,” but we do figure ourselves into it. For More Information On Raffaella Click Here.