Artists of 2022: Pap Chanel Is Pretty And Paid
I truly believe that women in the rap game are about to come through like a Tsunami. Of course, there will always be those that try to Nicki Minaj/ Cardi B our presence, but, beyond the twitter space, that animosity does not, necessarily, strike. Honestly, we want heroes. We want more women to admire, and flame the boys while taunting them. We want raps that discuss our issues, our dreams, and our bodies because, as women, we own all of them or, at least, should. I give you this intro because Pap Chanel is coming for necks, and you better get a brace.
Before I proceed, let me discuss the 6 personalities of Pap Chanel:
Papiana: Cocky, bold, confident, outgoing, the ALPHA ego, doesn’t mind being the elephant in the room;
Paprika: Spicy, the instigator, doesn’t mind getting things riles, gambler, stirs the pot;
Tupap: The poet, storyteller, the business lady, intellectual, speaks unapologetically on topics that may make others uncomfortable;
Papi: THE BIG BOSS, inspired by Nicki Minaj, most relevant, the rule maker, the legislator, THE ACE, birthing the new wave;
Papatouille: Always eating, the scientist, appetite never expires, the go-getter, always cooking up something, the writer, the narrator.
Papillion: The butterfly, healer, the rainbow that doesn’t wear her scars, most relatable, never afraid, monarch, strong
The fact that she has multiple alter egos makes her quick to ascend queendom, and, like Doja Cat, she has understood the future of music is “gorgeous chaos.” It is something that, immediately, I know would make Lil Nas X unshakeable, despite constant nay-sayers. Their key is that they have made themselves “the internet,’ which is, in essence, multiple personalities. They are a minutei-by-minute transformation, which makes them a walking algorithm: able to churn out trends by looking for the next “cool,” which makes them oddly classic. In essence, like Chanel, Pap Chanel will have many expensive lines that you will find yourself buying. Click For More Info On Pap Chanel.