ArtistClose-Up/ Concert Review: Spencer Barnett Is A Pop Icon In The Making

WHAT! The strands of jet black hair grazing his face, the finger points at the crowd, and the head nods to young girls that will kiss his poster at night; SPENCER BARNETT brought back all that we love about classic pop and how it makes people, especially young girls, feel like avidly obsessing over one person’s life is perfectly fine and not at all weird. He performed at Berlin as if he had just exited The Pop Factory where Professor X concocted the perfect next star to dominate charts and sold-out stages.

Spencer Barnett – Reckless (Official Video)

I had to smile as I saw young women “fan-girl” over him, and Spencer was smooth. He came onto that stage all smiles and chats with the crowd; understanding that, in a way, a performance is like the “dream-version” of a networking event. Instead of having to work up the courage and energy to introduce yourself to strangers or familiars, all you have to is sing a good song and wink back to all the eyes gazing at you. While most people would rather bury themselves then perform in front of others, part of being an artist, especially a successful one, is living for that moment of pure attention. Barnett embraced it with open arms, and his music has the jazzy undertones and lyrical memorability to bank hits.

Spencer Barnett – 17 (Official Music Video)

From “Waste My Time” to “I’m Fine,” Barnett had the crowd wrapped around his finger, and his voice did not miss a beat. He has a lulling quality; soothing over notes to make them feel warm in texture and tone. This made his brief set feel even quicker, which is good. You want your audience to want more from you, especially in your beginning, so you can show them that there is more to offer. For More Information On Spencer Barnett Click Here