Concert Review: Morningsiders Wake You Up With Ease

With an EP set to release, Morningsiders were lit at City Winery, which feels like a perfect place to be lit at. It, literally, is a wine palace, of which Millennials and boomers clutching to their Wall Street pasts unite amidst notes of apple, citrus, and pear amidst their pressed grapes. City Winery’s ability to be mainstream Indie matched Morningsiders ability to be the wildest bunch to be regular guys, and that was their charm. Fun is not wild….. it’s normal.

Admittedly, they were excited. The COVID pandemic had made them rollercoasters between absolute laziness and brilliance because who truly thought that 2 years later and, in many ways, we are still in this thing. Make no mistake Covid changed how people create by either inspiring or stalling them, and Easy Does It EP was there way of bantering over their newfound, chilled philosophies. In essence, if the past few years showed us we move too fast, then why are we so quick to get quick again? Is there no other, more balanced pace? Oddly enough, when you are having fun things go rather quick.

As they played “Sunbeam” and shook their instruments like bags full of coins, their smiles reminded me that the best times of my life were brisk. Every “great day” I have ever had, I said two things, “Wow, I wish this day did not end!” and “Wow, where did time fly!” Yet, ask me how much time stops when I’m in a rush or feeling down? In some ways, the pandemic’s emotional roughness was because we could not rush to goals and it was not easy to make the time we had feel like it built us. In essence, our grinds fool us into believing moving around means moving up, but Morningsiders were like a cup of coffee that woke us up.

Amongst THE MANY artists that I have seen that feel friendly or approach stage like a group of friends, Mornignsiders fits right in and that is really important, in part, because returning to normal can be a lonely road. As we start taking our old bus routes, filling our old desks with memorabilia to make us feel like we are “working at home,” and start hanging out with “friends” that lost our number for two years but sure found it for a happy hour, Morningsisders embody “Easy Does It!” You don’t have to dive into the pool to know you can swim…. take your time. Click Here For More Information.