Concert Review: Keep Your Eyes On Angie McMahon

Watching Angie McMahon, I felt like I understood the trajectory of purposeful women/ artists like Joan Baez, Sheryl Crow, and Alanis Morrissette. Suddenly, it became clear to me why these women became cultural icons; we need ladies that sing to being human. Similarly Julia Jacklin and Vagabon are rising to give this generation that same vibe/ virtue, and Angie McMahon can join the club. 

Angie’s performance solidified a new form of showmanship that I have noticed in so many rising artists that I reviewed, like Alex Lahey and Sasha Sloan, which is the “best friend” quality; approaching audience with a “Can you believe I’m up here? Gosh!” coyness that make them feel humbly endearing. By all means, they, and Angie, are poets; tearing into songs like one would their high-school journal to recount the urgency and presence of being young, in love with everyone, and, simultaneously, hurt by anything. 
Angie McMahon – Keeping Time (Official Video)

There seems to be a belief that women are emotional than men, of which I don’t necessarily believe. Personally, I think oppression is an emotional experience, of which Angie came of like a valve releasing the pressure from heart apart of a community constantly torn down while also being individuals trying to pick themselves up. The first thing she did, in her show, was pay homage to the indigenous, which is powerful and noted for Thanksgiving weekend, which is a weird celebration for a community that has to watch everyone give thanks while ignoring their historical loss. While not comparable, in a way, Angie’s music plays for the tiny losses we tally in our personal history; the times our crush did not love us back, our supposed friends were M.I.A, and looking into the mirror to say “I’m happy and I love myself” felt like the dirtiest lie. 
Angie McMahon – Pasta (Official Video)

Hammerstein can fit thousands of people, and Angie was by herself on that stage. Yet, every person in that room felt her warmth circle in her personality and her voice. Vocally, she stirs emotions as if they cocoa powder going into hot milk. She has a way of making every verse feel simple yet complicated; adding touches of light and love to the journey of feeling both those things about yourself. For More Information On Angie McMahon Click Here.