Concert Review: Ariana Grande Proves It’s Her World At Irving Plaza

Walking into Irving Plaza, I had no idea people LOVED Ariana Grande so much. Her fans are borderline religious when it comes to their fervor of her, which explains why they are so invested in her personal life. The line at Irving went around the corner to see her late show, and was filled with adults taking their kids and twenty-somethings taking themselves into “Ariana World”: where life is glamorous, optimistic, and incredibly talented.
I genuinely feel that people love Ariana Grande because of her voice. I know that may seem simple, but every time she hit a high note people’s face looked like this:
I realized that her talent truly was an opening for their love because many of us wish we could sing well, but Ariana Grande sings like an angel. From “Raindrops” to “Goodnight N’ Go” people cheered as if to see her sing was to see themselves. No wonder she loves her fans so much. Such amor waterfalls out of her because it can be felt in the energy of the packed room. I have NEVER seen a concert where people, consistently, had their hands up and were videoing the entire event on their phone. I, definitely, had a moment when I prayed for extra height and balance as they moved and swayed like pop music was synonymous with friendly moshing. Yet, “Arianators” are a happy crew, and their Queen was happy, which made them feel pure glee.
Ariana Grande – no tears left to cry
Introduced by fiancé Pete Davidson, who called her “the best person I know,” my little romantic heart skipped beats. They are really happy, and in a world where dark images/ news are consistently shared, I do not mind the simple joy of seeing a couple in love. It is hopeful and refreshing. Moreover, I had to laugh at the entire crowd singing her song, “Pete Davidson,” as if they were engaged to him. Her fans even have a couple name for them: “petiana.” (Potential Baby Name?) Still, for Sweetener being less than a week old, the crowd knew her lyrics like it was their sacred text, and I was SHOOK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ariana Grande – God is a woman
I think Sweetener is Ariana’s best album yet, which makes my concert review a caption on how it and she moved people. Ariana’s concert is an electric ambiance, that if you take a moment to look around, you will see that her music is a door for people to like each other through loving her. I cannot say that I did not laugh with people on the line, or felt eternally loyal to my friend for having an Amex card. P.S. American Express is giving GOOD CONCERTS for its holders, so check it out! For More Information On Ariana Grande Click Here.
Ariana Grande – the light is coming ft. Nicki Minaj