Concert Review: Au/Ra Shows Maturity Is Confidence At LPR

I always say Time changes everything, and time is changing Au/Ra. With a kimono-esque robe, sea of white roses, and her signature green hair tossing in the wind, the young singer proved time is about maturity, and maturity is really about confidence.

When I first saw Au/Ra, her sweetness was apparent, and that has yet to change. Yet, there was a meekness to her that played like someone introducing themselves to others. This time, at LPR, she switched the tables, and made the audience feel like we were the ones introducing ourselves to her sound. Though as smiley and generous with a tale as she always is, from posture to presence, Au/Ra stood like a young woman understanding that she is on the ride to rise, but, at least, she is on it.
Au/Ra – Emoji (Audio)

We are all so obsessed with “going somewhere” that we forget we are “going” or, at least, that “moving up” is an act, itself, of progress. The charm of Au/Ra is that she realizes such things, and puts them into songs like “Drake,” “Fortnite,” and “Concrete Jungle.” Sure, she may sing to anxieties or feeling in her head about how she connects with others: typical, teenage sentiments. Yet, part of maturing is realizing that such feelings never go away, you simply learn to carry them. Thus, her performance was filled with a “joie de vivre” that had her bouncing around the stage like a girl singing pop ballads in her room; she captured what it is to dream in private, but did it fiercely and fearlessly in public.
Au/Ra – Outsiders (Official Video)

In voice, Au/Ra does sound like an aura. She radiates like a chakra: pure, natural energy. Such a zest makes people gravitate to her, but it also leaves them surprised for certain tracks like “Panic Room,” “Outdsiders,” or “Emoji” because they could easily slide into an EDM club scene/ remix. As her voice spumes like a person embracing that with years can come better experiences, her rhythms blast and blaze like lasers over a dancing crowd. It was in her potential as a serious, electro dance queen that her LPR show truly excelled. For More Information On Au/Ra Click Here.

Au/Ra – Panic Room (Official Video)