Concert Review: FANGIRL Over Audrey MIka RIGHT NOW

If there is one thing that is incredibly beautiful and terrifying about being young right now, especially as an artist, is how exposed you are as a person. In some ways, it feels necessary. Some analyze the astronomic rise of Billie Eilish or the mass, almost cultish following of Arianators as things that just happened, but both are very open with fans; Billie even calls them, while I don’t even give my mother my number. (JK!)  At Mercury Lounge, I couldn’t help but feel the rise of Audrey Mika, in part, because she is 100% transparent and kind with them.

Audrey Mika – Pan!c (Official Video)

At her show, I was SHOOKETH by how avid and interpersonal Audrey was with her fans. For a minute, I thought we were a bunch of gals at the high-school cafeteria: gossiping and dreaming about the future, boys, and eternal friendships. It was not just that her fans felt like they knew her, it was the she knew them. She was pointing them out, bringing them unto the stage, and picked up every gentle, loving heckle from her crowd: whether it was a public declaration that she is beautiful or questions about her future album. She was so astute and aware of the stage and her voice.

Audrey MiKa – “Y U Gotta B Like That” (Official Music Video)

While she bounced around as if the stage was a field of sunflower she could skip around and smell their beauty, her voice was gorgeously textured. She is a smart, controlled vocalist; understanding her range and molding it perfectly to her crowd’s desired emotionality. Audrey is a teenager and so is her audience, which means that a lot of her songs are about, loneliness, wonder, and how both fall into our first crushes and broken friendships. This juxtaposition plays to whether she is singing alone with her guitar or dancing around to a synth-waved world of sound. No matter, you eat it up and follow her into what feels like her universe, which is a fantastic quality to have as a performer. Fore More Information On Audrey Mika Click Here.