Concert Review: Bandits On The Run Let Loose At Sultan Room

New York is back and rooms are packed. Concert halls are ready and willing to take up concertgoers, and, frankly, there was a great humility in the Sultan Room as Bandits On The Run played to what felt like their most loyal fans. Known for their joyous performances, they were warmly embraced after nearly 2 years of no live shows. 

NYC is a place for LIVE. The city never sleeps because are always doing something, and telling a place like New York to stop everything can feel like an insult to its very core. Bandits On The Run most definitely embody New York’s constant movement and ever randomness. From Drag Queens to a contortionist and the sporadic popping of an individual confetti cannon over Bandits On The Run homemade rhubarb pie, the show was filled with moments that a non-New Yorker would say, “Huh? I thought they were just a folksy trio!” Yet, you are sadly mistaken, and I have the ring-pops they gave out and merchandise bow-tie to prove it. Still, those are the moments that make Bandits On The Run and NYC electric. 

Do I love Bandits On The Run’s music? YES! They play to the inner glee and sweet nostalgia a good person carries at hoping the will always embrace their life like they did their past. Even their newest “pani” tracks as lead singer Adrian Enscoe called their pandemic tracks, were about embracing changes that were forced on us like, being locked up for over a year in our homes. So many lost old dreams to gain new ones, and feel like they are in a limbo of fearlessness and fear; hoping more than ever that everything they thought they couldn’t do, they actually can, because everything they were doing they can’t anymore. 

From the sweet high notes of Sydney Shepherd and the warm belts and kind smiles of Regina Strayhorn, Bandits on The Run not only shine because of their good music, they also feel like good people. They are like a walking episode of FRIENDS, and you not only want to watch but you also want to be a cast-member. You don’t go to Bandits On The Run to watch them; you go to become a bandit. For More Information On Bandits On The Run  Click Here.