Concert Review: The Bird And The Bee Fly Over Elsewhere

Maturity is a weird word because it is often tied to “old,” but I have met old people that have the wisdom/ mind of an infant. I like to think that maturity is someone deciding to learn from experiences. At Elsewhere, The Bird And The Bee had such a diverse crowd in looks, age, and personality because they all felt bound by that choice: to live and learn. 

In perspective, The Bird And The Bee are not rocking the universe with new, music themes like, love, dreams, and life choices. If music is about humanity, then every artist is bound to speak on those three topics. Yet, The Bird And The Bee feel at peace when discussing them; as if they are pass the point of feeling down about life’s natural penchant for chaos and simply saying……okay. Frankly, I am still learning what it means to be happy despite your hurt, and how you move up despite all the reasons to stay down. Songs such as, “Polite Dance Song,” “Man,” and “Preparedness,” had TBATB’s signature light-heartedness in sound, style, and these topics. 

the bird and the bee – Again & Again

As the audience cheered for The Bird And The Bee, it felt different and more homely, even though Greg Kurstin was not there. Yeah…. that’s it! Their concert feels like a housewarming party for people who have realized your life only matters to you. Yes, you have loved ones that care for you but the meaning of your life matters most, if not at all, to you, which it should. It is in this that their calm in presence and depth in verse of The Bird And The Bee. begins to bubble over like a millions kids blowing on soap suds. They are so fun and lovely, especially when lead singer Inara George unites with ladies Wendy Wang and Alex Lilly. 

The Bird and The Bee – Panama

UH! I loved those three’s dynamic. They felt empowering and like a great time as they laughed through Van Halen and Hall and Oates covers. They danced through and belted notes without a single care. Together, the trio felt like a masterclass on how to make a performance feel like anything but. Yes, they were on stage, singing and playing instruments, but they were having such a good time , it did not feel as such. The Elsewhere audience was watching a “Girl’s Night Out” with women that can toss a joke and enlightenment into the crowd like they were tossing rings over pegs and landing every time. For More Information On The Bird And The Bee Click Here.