Concert Review: Black Pistol Fire Blaze At MHOW

There are some performers that give so much to their audience, you wonder if they fall into a coma quickly after. As lead singer Kevin McKeown went backwards and hit the floor, I thought to myself, “Oh yeah! He, definitely, needs a nap after this!” With how intense Black Pistol Fire were as duo performers, Eric Owen on drums, you would think they had to reincarnate after their Music Hall of Williamsburg show. In a way, that is why we go to a concert: to feel reborn.
I don’t know when it hit me how a concert is like a revamp of a person’s week. It could have been between the multiple times Kevin inched towards the crowd as if he was the human embodiment of a 3-D film; thrashing forward for a visual impact yet remaining untouched. It could have been when he entered the audience: crowd-surfing, singing with the crowd, and igniting a mosh. It also could have been as Eric bashed his drums with maracas and hoisted himself up and down as if to match the speed of his drumsticks. Both biting into the air as if to rip into their sonic waves.The constant motion of this duo, along with the sheer blast of their music, made them feel like a 100 men on the stage.
Black Pistol Fire’s ability to be energetically overpowering and sonically overstimulating proved that an artist can transfer themselves through a song. Chills were abound in songs such as, “Suffocation Blues,” “Black Halo,” “Level,” and “Storm Cussin” because it was as if Kevin and Eric had become a literal force and everyone was connected to them. Their instruments carried impulses and frequencies that mesmerized and moved the crowd with awe. it was crazy because I had interviewed the two, a few days before, tire shopping. I thought, “These were the men looking for tires?” They could steam-roll Mother Nature with their level of adrenaline, which is both the charm of their presence and their verses.
Thematically, Black Pistol Fire capture all the times you wanted to tell life to, in essence, “F**k Off!” Whether it be hate or Fate, you wanted to put a middle finger up and tell either that your existence was none of their business. It takes a lot of energy to tell Life to move out of your way, and, for Black Pistol Fire, a concert makes you feel like Life would actually step aside. Hence, they make their show feel like a restart of your week. Suddenly, through their raucous, you are fresh and clear enough be you own defending rebel. For More Information Black Pistol Fire Click Here.