Concert Review: BRIC! Celebrate Brooklyn Amps Orgullo Latinx!

Fact: She played at BRIC! Celebrate Brooklyn after interviewing her at LAMC
Fact: I am a changed person.

For me, Ana Tijoux surmised the night with one comment: “Don’t play dumb!” Throughout human history, human being have divided consistently divided themselves to the brink of destruction. Yet, what has saved our species are those of us wise enough to see the simple truth: we work and thrive better together, and anyone that tells you different is plainly a “cabron!”

This BRIC! Celebrate Brooklyn concert was particularly special to me because I KNEW my Latinx were going to come in droves. Mala Rodriguez is a KWEEN, Girl Ultra is a rising kween, and Ana Tijoux is a fearless warrior. Absolutely EVERY artist in that night’s lineup was someone with a growing history of representing our culture’s ferocity. Yet, on that night, when I thought I was going to celebrate my community with “my community,” I was pleasantly and humbly surprised to see it was not simply Latinx that showed up but every race and ethnicity. Thus, in these dividing times,  BRIC! Celebrate Brooklyn is a reminder we all, actually, get along and inspire each other.

Ana Tijoux turned nearly each of her tracks into mini-jazz fests; free flowing her verses like they were jump-ropes she lyrically crossed as they were child’s play. She was enrapturing with her prophecies and philosophies on how the world MUST get better. The beauty and depth of her act was followed by Mala Rodriguez; a Hip Hop star spitting Jay-Z levels rhymes with a Beyonce aesthetic. She brought out a bat, dancers, and people unto stage and let each swing some fierce moved; making this “episode” of the BRIC! Celebrate Brooklyn series one of the most exhilarating for the crowd. She encouraged people to get DOWN AND DIRTY with their dance and their soul, but do not be mistaken; for her, this means to be unafraid to let a lover touch your body and heart. 
Mala Rodríguez – Quien Manda

Watching everyone of every creed and walk of life dancing to Latin Hip Hop, R&B, and Reggaeton, turned this BRIC! Celebrate Brooklyn! concert into one of the FUNNEST! For a night we were all carefree, in one of the BEST Hip Hop shows in the city, and ultimately learning that, to truly celebrate yourself, you have celebrate others. For More Information On BRIC! Celebrate Brooklyn Click Here.