Concert Review: Bülow Makes Vulnerability Cool At Bowery

Leaving Bowery, I got to meet Bülow, and like anyone that meets a star, I told her how “amazing” she was, which was true. “Great” felt like the only word simple enough to measure how good everyone felt in her presence. Yet, it was her genuinely grateful response, saying how “new” everything was to her and how she really feels others’ affirmations, which moved me to realize the depth of her performance power.

When talking about Bülow, you will hear a lot about her age, which she knows is coming. Even Fickle Friends, in exclaiming love for her, mentioned how she is 18.  It becomes a focal point in people’s minds because A) she is accomplishing more now than most in a lifetime and B) she is so open and honest with her heart. While most of us believe with age comes openness, it could, actually, be the opposite. Experiences can shut us off, and Bülow is using her tracks like, “Not A Love Song,” “Sad And Bored,” and “You & Jennifer,” to assure that never happens.
bülow – “You & Jennifer” (Live) | Vevo DSCVR

As a performer/artist, Bülow makes vulnerability cool. She makes saying, “I’m lost” or “I need help!” sound like the new swanked, strengthening catchphrases of the era. Moreover, her soundscapes electrically vape through the atmosphere to make you feel like you are Steven Universe meeting the actual Universe. Thus, the inherent sweetness and meekness to her vocality turns her raw feelings into wisdom, but not just any sage epiphany. Bülow sang to a truth not everybody realizes; we all ask life to give us a break, but yet we make ourselves so broken. 
bülow – Honor Roll (Live) | Vevo DSCVR

How do we expect ourselves to achieve greatness in and for the world when we treat ourselves so less than? This perspective adds nuance to her self-love/ “others-love” songs, and displays her noble innocence is really her personality; something meeting her proved. She showed that for however much we want to connect to others and our dreams, we cannot avoid that such a connection stems from within us and how we, as persons, approach our purposes.Yes, I know I got deep but Bülow inspires. With her bandanna and overalls, she looks like she waltzed through fields and rivers to get clarity, which only makes her vocals orb to lighten the crowd even more. For More Information On Bülow Click Here.