Concert Review: Cornelius Is Intergalactic At Irving Plaza
We all are weird, but most of us save our eccentricity for privacy; revealing it only to our closest friends. At Irving Plaza, we were Cornelius’ closest friends. Ziggy Stardust may have left us, but Cornelius has arrived to show humanity how alien it is in essence.
It is a fascinating concept; somewhere else, to another species, we are the alien. In the same ways, we analyze them with fear and curiosity to explored, they do us. Yet, what would they discover about us? With that idea in mind, Cornelius’ show plays like a video reel of every single thing humanity has done, created, and desired. From algorithms to alley-ways, pictures of humanity’s essence flash across to the booming lights behind Cornelius; forming a hypnotic pattern that felt like morse code. Messages were being sent, and it was up to you to see what they said about human beings. Yet, there was no arguing that Cornelius was their keeper.
Cornelius plays center and still. For someone who does not move much, you are drawn to him like a moth to a flame. He is like a glossed penny on the floor: shining, tethered to his place, and a unique emblem of good luck if picked up. At least, we were lucky to see him. When he sings or creates random sounds, like a cough, to pulse the weirdness of humanity, and he does it as if he is a human radio. All he has to do is open his mouth, and signals are sent through him from across the galaxies to tell us about ourselves. When combined with the images of his back-drop, the show becomes wonderfully strange and cosmic.
To see Cornelius, is to see an intergalactic man plays his keys and chords until you feel as galactic as him. “Dear Future Person”, “Helix/ Spiral”, and “I Hate Hate”, his music ranges from death metal to funkadelia, and does it with so much fluidity that he, again, promotes the majesty of humanity’s creativity. You dance, rave, an sway as Cornelius proves we have done a lot for ourselves, which gives me hope at all the more we can do. For More Information On Cornelius Click Here.