Concert Review: Daniel Ellsworth & The Great Lakes Form In Mercury Lounge

Daniel Ellsworth & The Great Lakes have a single goal: TO MAKE YOU GET DOWN! Tearing up the Mercury Lounge stage with a funkadelic, electro swag their songs promoted the simplicity of love; the moment when you realize it is not as complicated as you think.

Sometimes, I wonder if the most exciting thing about seeing your “fave couple” finally get together is not that they are united in love, but that they have let go of the drama. After all the exhausting mishaps and misunderstandings, they decided to have fun with each other. This idea pervades throughout songs, “Paralyzed”, “Catapult”, and “ Control”. Daniel’s voice rakes in notes like they are fallen leaves he is gathering into a pile to jump back into and disperse them again. He steadies and throws his voice only according to its playfulness because, again, the biggest reason we love “love” is because it makes us fun.

Love makes us feel light enough to be light. This could be why the the band bopped around the stage with red lighting flashing amongst them, and the crowd, as if Love, itself, had come to dance. They were all smiles in showing that not everything in life and love has to be “dramatic”; on the contrary you build relationships to escape such a feeling. This explains why they were in such a good humor; dedicating the song “Wonder Woman” to Stormy Daniels. The track, like most of their songs, had a smooth melody that went poured like a Tennessee whisky.

The Nashville natives were proud to share their roots with the NYC crowd, and we were happy to take them. After so many bands before them out-besting themselves, Daniel Ellsworth & The Great Lakes proved that they can cap off a night with a sonic bang and earn their headlining spot. For More Information On Daniel Ellsworth & The Great Lakes Click Here.