Concert Review: Deva Mahal Is A Fierce Witch At LPR
Yes, I called Deva Mahal a witch, but like Broad City she far from minds it. In history, strong women have always been labeled by weak and wicked titles like, “witch” or “bitch”. A woman who knows what she wants can be seen as a danger to man who does not. Yet, all that tension boils down between the human/ emotional differences between those that know what they want, and those that do not. DEVA KNOWS!
Sure the mic was not giving her the feedback or the reverb she desired, as she proclaimed to the audience and sound guy, but I understand the microphone. I do not think it could live up to her vocals. Mahal’s music seems dedicated to the strong woman trying to maneuver through a world convinced she is a damsel. Whether it be her refusal to buy “I love you’s” from a partner that does not act like it or her desire to resist a system that, also, acts without love, Mahal’s songs were declarations that the world needs to change not her. It is a refreshing notion, and one the shows sometimes the world can be wrong for not seeing how right you are. “Take A Giant Step” and “Run Deep” were amongst the few songs she belted with enough power to give electricity to NYC or lead one of its many protests.Honestly, her vocals should be considered a back-up generator for power-grids, and the great thing about them is that she knows the rich effect of her talent. For Mahal, her voice is like a tigress she is letting lose or halting back as if to say, “Now Voice, you know the crowd cannot handle SO MUCH bite!”. Yet, as I looked at the crowd, people were 100% invested in her song and dance. They clapped, swayed, and moved as if they were discovering both their new favorite artist, and a new, favorite side to themselves: resilience.
Deva Mahal is my show for vocal power and spiritual empower! (lol!). When you want to leave a concert feeling like you could confront anything then you should checkout Mahal. Moreover, the love the room had for her was infectious, especially because her mom and sister were there. As she discussed love for being sexy, beautiful, and, at times, all wrong, her mom looked on with pride while her sister backed her with vocals that need their own EP! Yet, the moments of tenderness proved that strength does not come from challenges as much as comfort. The people that support you are the guides and reminders of love you need to stand against the ones that do not. Stand On, DEVA! For More Information On Deva Mahal Click Here.