Concert Review: Elliot Root Shows Fuses Electro With Resilience At Mercury Lounge
In life, there are too many times when we feel pulled back. It is as if for the two feet we use to move forward, there are a millions of hands clutching to make them stumble. I uses this scenario because that is the vibe of Elliot Root. They are a band that conjures every moment you have to pull yourself to the disappointment of knowing that no one was on the other side to grab you. They electrically fuse synth-waves with the sentimental waves of our reality.
Yes, in life, perseverance is a solo venture, and Scott Krueger has the voice to prove it. His vocals on songs like, “10,000” and “Lost Man Running” were like a one-man army fighting and feeling every emotional dagger that a relationship can toss towards you. Thought love may be shared, resilience is insular, which is why his voice feels like a wealthy, private island; to find it is like discovering a gold-mine strictly for yourself. As the band plays their instruments as if they are re-enacting every time there heart was played, Elliot Root become a sort of symbolic figure. He is the young guy that went of “to the city” to make his big dreams come true, but found that reality has a way of chipping away at your strength. The message is a stark contrast for how bold their sound is, and how enlivening songs like, “Wicked Lies”, “Conjure” and “Stay”, feel when blasted unto you like someone just opened a wind tunnel while you were chugging your beer. Whether emotionally or sonically, this aspect was probably my favorite of the Elliot Root concert; their ability to, literally, rock out and act like nothing. It was like seeing a man decide to do an inspiring speech next to a dumpster fire; there ability to contrast and blend sonic motivation with emotional devastation was fascinating, and reminded me of an electro fusion between Radiohead and Muse. You wanted to watch them analog and digitize the unspoken emotions we carry into our every move. Hence, my belief that resistance and persistence are solo ventures that we all have in common but create on our own.
I could go on and on about Elliot Root and Scott Krueger because when I love a voice, I leap from reviewer to un-hired publicist. There is something undeniable about his rich vocals, and the sheer musicianship of this band. Playing at Mercury Lounge, I could not help but imagine them playing at Irving Plaza, Summerstage, or even Barcalys to an amassing of people whom desire a voice/ songs that say, “Yes, you are being held back, but that does not mean you stop pushing forward?”. Thus, get ready for their newest album, Conjure, because by the sounds of it, in tour, you will feel revived by it on record. For More Information On Elliot Root Click Here.