Concert Review: Fickle Friends Are Your Real Friends At Bowery

Rambunctious, vivacious, and definitely creative, Fickle Friends felt like your real friends at Bowery Ballroom. Their entire show is a set between cracking jokes on life, and giving you life as they bash tambourines and drums in a “celebration” to living. Their concert is a rare opportunity to say, “Yeah, I’m happy I’m alive.”

It is not that we are all on “suicide watch,” but we are not, exactly, comfortable saying that our life is wonderful and fully worth living. Lyrically, Fickle Friends sing to silence that gnawing voice in your head that SWEARS the grass is greener on the other side. “Swim,” “Glue,” “Say No More,” and “Broken Sleep” were just a few of their songs that encompassed how hard it is to embrace the moment when you feel undeserving or less than it. In many ways, their union with Bulow, as a concert tour, was perfect because both artists make you want to analyze how you leap for joy.
Fickle Friends – Say No More (Official Video)

It is not enough to want to be happy; you do have to actually go for it. Thus, Natassja “Natti” Shiner becomes both your vocalist and personality guide for the night. She is openly funny, friendly, and raw about her insecurities, which makes you flock to her, thinking you have found an emotional equal, while also becoming taken aback that anyone would say aloud what we do not like to say ourselves even in silence, “It is hard to be myself.” Thus, to share her heart with a vibrancy that makes vulnerability seem easy, once again, turns Fickle Friends into the realist friends you are bound to find.
Fickle Friends – Glue (Official video)

From games for a tote bag to jokes about life in the UK, Fickle Friends is a perfect concert for really good pop jams that makes life feel like a slice of confetti cake. Natti’s is like chocolate syrup over ice cream; adding an extra sweetness to rhythms that are already sugared. Add on that the breeziness of their ambiance is a true uplift for those that get to see them, and you realize good music is not enough to turn a bad day into a good one; you also need good people or rather Fickle Friends! For More Information On Fickle Friends Click Here.
Fickle Friends – Wake Me Up (Official Video)