Concert Review: Frenship Make Irving Plaza Their Beach

Frenship have become one of those duos that, at any time or place, they could sell out a show. The reason is that they give you a “club setting” while being a concert. At Irving Plaza, celebrating their debut, Vacation, the duo appeared as electronically revved as a Skrillex concert. 

With lit up, floating umbrellas and an orb that seemed to colorfully warp us to the beaches of Jupiter, Frenship played like a pair of beach bros. They present their music like the chillest version of a cosmic, Frat party; jungle juice and sofa clouds are abound as people lie out amongst 19 suns and let the light bask them. Moreover, they dance and gleefully deliver their notes like they own the luxury cabana. Yes, I know I am using a lot of imagery, but Frenship helped me realize that, in a way, is the definition of clubbing. For all that people talk about “escapism” in terms of what they are escaping, Frenship present it for what you are escaping to. 

Frenship – Remind You (Official Video) Frenship – Wanted A Name (feat. Yoke Lore) [Official Video]

It is not just that “ a club” is a place to take a break from your problems but it is a vacation into your imagination. With rhythms as juiced as ripe grapes, you could pluck and transfer them into mindful wine, which explains why the audience was at a consistent 10. At every concert, there is, usually, a few songs that people talk through or check an email; a quiet track where they declare, “This is when I can go to the bathroom!” Yet, at a Frenship show, there is never a “cool down.” Even their most relaxed songs keep you hypnotized with the fulfilled promisee of a dream. Thus, as the boyishly charmed guys played with dance moves and harmonies, the night revealed concerts are the new playground for grown adults. For More Information On Frenship Click Here.