Concert Review: Future Generations Give Music Synesthesia To NYC

Time to get “sciencey!” ASMR signifies Autonomous Sensory Meridian Response, and is based on the notion that certain auditory triggers can induce a literal, tingling calm, which could lead you to a better mood. I mention ASMR because, at Baby’s All Right, Future Generations felt like the ASMR of Indie Pop or rather some form of auditory synesthesia. In using one sense, hearing, they activated your others as if listening to their music sent a touch of rocking relaxation over you body/ mind.

The first time I saw Future Generations, I marveled at how “solid” they were; feeling as if I had been provided a settled, unpretentious show that I could see at any time or any place. They were were the epitome of calming, but it was perplexing and, still is, to describe something that soothing without making it sound cheap or boring. After all, it is not like people grabbed snuggle blankets over beers. Hence, my ASMR reference; somehow they made you feel enlivened about being so relaxed. You found your body/ mind laying into the electricity of songs like “All The Same” and “Suddenly.”

Having seen them a few years back, like many bands, Future Generations has gotten better with time. Their sophomore album, Landscape, felt like a zipline through a virtual forest; comparatively heightened in its blend of electronica and acoustics. Yet, similar to the record, you always land in the lake of Eddie Gore’s voice. No matter how much electronica they plugged into their new melodies like lamps into sockets, Gore’s voice felt natural and crystallized. It was as if he was the sun peaking into a room full of bulbs; somehow, despite both being light, you noticed the difference. This was a big deal for me because on the Halloween themed stage was a Pennywise mannequin/ my mortal enemy, which made me highly uncomfortable. (DAMN YOU HALLOWEEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

Future Generations have truly gotten stronger as performers because they managed to distract me from my fear. In voice and presence, especially with frontman Eddie Gore, the years have taught Future Generations how to own their talent so that when they perform, though all they need from a crowd is their eyes and ears, they also get our hearts and mind. Now more than ever, they feel naturally emotive when offering their music for our emotional consumption. For More Information on Future Generations Click Here.