Concert Review: Generationals Light Up Music Hall Of Williamsburg
Ahhh, yes ….. The 80’s! A time of shoulder-pads, big hair, laser beams, and the birth of the notion virtual reality. This era’s most famous motto is, literally, “ Greed Is Good”. Thus, when Generationals played their 80’s inspired/ infused electro-pop, the night felt like one of excess at Music Hall Of Williamsburg.
Generationals – Avery [OFFICIAL AUDIO]
There are musicians you see to have a thoughtful, even quiet night like Johnny Flynn, where the night is painted by poetry and tales of persons being lost and found in their routined life. Then, there are musicians like Generationals, who similar to Miami Horror, aim to disrupt the “routine” of your life. They digitize rhythms that build tropical palms trees from synths and winding chords. From song to setting, their concert is memorable because it is aimed to go beyond what you experience, see, and even feel on your “daily”. It is as if Generationals want to make an “art show” an amplify the essence of humanity through steamed rhythms that fog your mind, and make the voice of Ted Joyner feel as if it is Bono getting off a plane to save Africa. (Yeah, I remember that campaign Gap {Red} ). Still, that image embodies the aura of Joyner’s voice and Gidmer’s backing vocals/ swag on stage; there is feeling that they might be the coolest guys in the world and, for a second, that is a saving notion. As epic laser-beams dance across the crowd and stage with a brightness and prowess that made me wonder if they were also alien signals, Joyner and Grant Widmer stood opposite of each other like, if they had found the messages needed to save humanity between their instruments and their minds.
Generationals – Turning The Screw [OFFICIAL MUSIC VIDEO]
I am, officially, calling Joyner and Widmer the dynamic duo because they play off the 80’s notion that a person could be the embodiment of AWESOME! Now, I am not saying they were arrogant, like American Psycho; they were completely into their music and moment, which takes humility to do. Yet, Generationals exemplifies that the key to owning a room is fully recognizing it as your here and now. There was no before or after to their concert, neither for them or the audience, which is why the concerts could have been happily eternal. Thus, it is because of their presence in the present that they filled Music Hall Of Williamsburg with a cosmic dynamism. Overall, their concert felt like an “Aha” moment, where every person had, at least, an instant when they said, “ I am really happy and extremely lucky to be here”. It is not every day that you can get out of your routine, and feel re-sparked with liveliness, which is why I recommend Generationals show as one to do exactly that. For More Information On Generationals Click Here.
Generationals – Keep It Low [OFFICIAL LYRIC VIDEO]