Concert Review: Geographer Landscapes Loneliness At Bowery Ballroom

For being called Geographer, Mike Deni’s newest work, from his EP Alone Time, is all about loneliness. When you think “geographer”, you envision someone going around the globe to explore cultures, people, and sounds. In his Bowery Ballroom show, he proved to explore yourself is to perform the latter. 

What is the geography of loneliness. Throughout tracks like, “Original Sin”, “I’m Ready”, “Lonely” and “So Low” expressed how solitude forms a landscape in your soul. From “Verona” to “Kites”, thanks to the cello instrumentals of Joyce Lee throughout the night, Geographer’s music felt beautifully sad. Yes, I know that sounds like an insult, but NO ONE CAN RESIST A SAD SONG! I believe that because, in this world, we are taught to hide our sadness, music comes in as a space permitting us to mourn our losses or sift through our unrequited wants. For Geographer, a.k.a Mike Deni, the desire to fill voids, especially as a creative, has alway but, particularly now, inspired his sound.

Guitar, keys, synth, sax, and baselines formed a sort of tragic, “polyphonic spree” throughout the Bowery ambiance, and showed Geographer is as genius in talent as he is in thoughtfulness. it is kind of crazy how a splash of morbidity can perk up a soul or rather a light, sullen arrangement can feel like a sugar to the spirit. Yet, Geographer makes calm feel like adrenaline, which is why in his interactions with the crowd and with his songs he feels like an open heart learning to never let its loneliness close it off to company. This may seem “easy”, but loneliness is like misery or pity; it loves to feed itself, which means it loves to isolate further. Yet, who could not feel included by Geographer’s voice.

Deni’s vocals sound like they are rising from a wishing well. He drops notes like pennies rising against gravity to be re-grasped by the hands that tossed them in the name of a dream. This is a vivid image, but Geographer has a vivid effect. Going to see his show is like asking your mind to up its imagination in cinematic scope; suddenly scenes are not just about being created but also about getting clearer. For More Information On Geographer Click Here.