Concert Review: Grieves Makes Everyone Say “Holy Sh*t” At Knitting Factory
There we all were squinting and yelling “HOLY SH*T!”. Nope, were not watching the news; we were watching GRIEVES! The Seattle rapper journeyed to Knitting Factory to prove that a good time comes with a devious smile.
Grieves reminds me of that kid in high-school that everyone would dare to do anything, and he WOULD! He simply has that cockeyed smile and look that says, “So, we are going to do something bad tonight, right?!”. To go to his concert is to be invited to a few laughs, at the audience expense, a grand whisky shot, and a few notes on how life changes. For Grieves, time heals all wounds, but our wounds are what connects us through time. Tracks like, “Chillin”, “Boogie Man”, and “Shreds” were a celebration the highs and lows that Grieves underwent at choosing to be a rapper in a world that appreciates art, but certainly does not protect artists. It is not easy to rise in this industry, and it seems like songs interchanged between Grieves personal goofiness as a man that loves to laugh and sing a satirical verse, and Grieves personal fears at wanting to be loved and feel vulnerable. Yes, as scary as it is to be vulnerable it is also scary that you are not. Songs such as, , showed that Grieves is an emotional rollercoaster of fun and human foundations. He knows that his fans connect to him, and I witnessed it. They were singing along like they wrote the lyrics, and not one phone was left without him getting up close to smile. He was in constant motion zipping through the stage like speedy, and learning the names and histories of crowd-members as if her were campaigning: GRIEVES FOR PRESIDENT!
The irony of Grieves is that he is so fast in flow and energy, but his lyrics, ironically, stem from every moment he felt slowed; too slow to get love, a dream come true, or a good hook-up. Either one, he displayed that he is a man that wants to live life to the fullest. He might as well have been a human bonfire lit upon the stage to rip jokes, emotions, and the heart of Hip Hop: life. This genre is made of artists either showing the pains of oppression or the liveliness of being alive. Grieves shows life can be amazing, but, even when its not, it still can be survived until it becomes so again. For More Information On Grieves Click Here.