Concert Review: Hembree Bring You The Mechanics of Electro Pop

At Mercury Lounge, Hembree adorned the stage like a pack of mechanics suited to build, hammer, drill, and drive an electric car of sound. They appeared and acted like a bunch of guys strolling into their local bar to vent and laugh, but their music proved that such fellas are speaking to bigger things/ social movements. Life is a trickle-down effect, and you are affected by people you don’t even know, i.e. cultures and politics, of which their electro-pop-rock happily acknowledged. 

Songs such as, “Continents,”Heart,” and “Culture” spoke to the belief in divisions; from self to society. As a person, every human being plays so many roles, of which they, personally, categorize to importance and impact. Yet, what motivates these categories and our willingness to add or delete a “label” upon ourselves? Yeah, that got deep, and so does Hembree, which is why you love their personalities. Fun and smart are not, mutually, exclusive, which is why fans appreciated Hembree for seeing you could brighter by having a good time. Thus, humor infused into their dynamics with the audience and their delivery of songs. While they may get “philosophical,” they also get groovy. 

Hembree – Culture

On record, Hembree can feel like the a ride through Tron, but, live, they are more danceable, WHICH IS EXCELLENT! Concerts are so valuable in making and keeping fans, of which who does not want to “move” at a show? Thus, their tracks shook and swayed the crowd like a bag of coins, and Isaac Flynn was the one transferring the moneyed vocals. His voice gives me pure 80s vibes; when vocals brightened synths with a plight for romance. Beneath every verse lies a desire for connection, and Flynn plays with that point by making his voice, simultaneously, emote his plea while affirm the fun.


As the band danced around, passionately played,  and laughed, you could not help but feel apart of them. Again, this dynamic is vital for a band’s career and in their music’s statement. People do not only want to feel like they can have a greater life as much as feel like they can be apart of greater lives; a plug-in into others’ creative genius or electric heart. Hembree achieved that, and it was awesome. Click Here For More Information On Hembree.