Concert Review: Jack White Is A Guitar Hero At Kings Theatre

If there is one thing I absolutely adore about Jack White’s concert is that there is never a quiet moment or breathe in between songs. It is straight show of noise, and how sound can literally pick at your brain like a farmer picks fruit. At Kings Theatre, with no phones allowed, your mind was on overdrive to capture every juiced moment.

You could not instagram or look back on video recordings. All you had was the now, which is, exactly, where Jack White excels. Some artists go for the past and others go for the future, but Jack White lives in the present. “Love Interruption,” “Over And Over And Over,” “Hotel Yorba,” and “My Doorbell” all came out in different periods of Jack White’s career/ our lives. Yet, they felt very much “now” because Jack White creates distinct rock n’ roll for the sameness of humanity. We either betray or beautify each others’ lives, and his verses capture this eternal, soap opera we call life.
Jack White – Over and Over and Over

From “The Rose With The Broken Neck” to “Icky Thump,” I realized how dramatic and theatrical Jack White can be in voice, presence, and song choice. The way he quakes his voice as if emotions are the earth allow his lyrics to observe the nature, disaster, and healing humanity undergoes. Sometimes, we confront our darkness “Seven Nation Army,” and other times we become it, “Corporation.” Either way, Jack White’s voice weeps, willows, and wins over a crowd that turned the classic regality of Kings Theatre into a Rock Heaven. The vintage, golden architecture could have melted with how his melodies burned with a soulful fire.
Jack White – Love Interruption (Video)

Jack White and his band proved the power of instruments: both literally and figuratively. There is no denying that he believes in the power of people to rise up, which explains why each of member of his band bashes and blazes their instruments like they are the marching band for Heaven when it, finally, destroys Hell. Personally, Jack White shook his guitar for every feeling it could give; from joy to sadness. Ultimately, the crowd could have walked out of Kings Theatre singing, “Happy Birthday!” at seeing the guitar be reborn, and Jack White being its father. For More Information on Jack white Click Here.
Jack White – Connected By Love