Concert Review: Jade Novah’s Time Is NOW At S.O.B’s

There is no argument after the release of her debut, All Blue,  Jade Novah’s time is now. From Jones to Liana Banks, beautiful, fierce ladies are RISING in the industry to give the world what I call “vibe” music. There is NOTHING like a soft voice over rhythms that seem so plush you wonder if they were washed with Downy. Yes, that is laundry reference, but at S.O.B’s, Jade Novah’s voice was so fresh and reviving, it filled your senses.

If you could smell Jade Novah’s voice is would be a cross between sandalwood and cotton: earthy and ethereally grounded. If you could taste Novah’s rhythms, they would be a cross between strawberries and raspberries sweet with tangy downbeats. If you could touch her lyrics they would be like a new blankets upon your skin; something meant to be worn. If all these things do not seem inviting to your senses then you are crazy. Novah’s charm comes from her big smile, sly dance moves, and an overall feeling like she is here to reach women about the self-respect that comes before love.

From “Intuition” to “All Blue” or “Time”, Novah presents a common factor in love: self-analysis. We have all have had that moment in a relationship when we are asking ourselves, “Okay, what am I doing?” Yet, this is not always a negative.Self-questioning and self-doubt are two different things, and Jade Novah sings to those differences like a woman who understands it is okay to not understand: sometimes, you have to go with the flow to figure out how to swim it. It is this perspective that furthers her concert ambiance and music as rich, textured, and made to make you move a bit.

If you un-stiffen your soul, you will find both your body and literal life’s path move better. How you move inside really does shake up your surroundings, and Jade Novah is a testament to that. In song and stories, she is a woman settled in her greatness, but consistently seeking perseverance and persons that will appreciate that rather than taint or taunt it. She is a powerful person, in part, because she is empowered, and that has helped her through the years to get to this debut. She has paid her dues, and learned that the more you rise your soul the more prosperity falls upon you. For More Information On Jade Novah Click Here.