Concert Review: Lawrence Proves Their Greatness Is Constant At Music Hall Of Williamsburg
Lawrence played Music Hall of Williamsburg and dominated again. After seeing them at Irving Plaza, I was excited to see if they could measure up to the wonderful concert they had provided that night. Could they hit it out of the ball park again? Yup.
Lawrence – Alibi (Official Music Video)
Now considered full-fledged tour vets, I am in awe that this brother-sister duo can provide such a consistently exhilarating show. If Irving Plaza showed me their greatness, then MHOW showed me they are always great. Although the set was not different compared to the last one, I realized just how much I can watch them again and again. Their concert is like watching your favorite film; you pop them in the DVD and recite your favorite lines and moves. Of course, I could reincarnate a thousand times from their life-giving cover of Sean Paul’s “Get Busy” or their own original life-givers/ songs like, “Alibi”, “Me & You”, and “Do You Wanna Do Nothing With ME?”. Lawrence shines in concert, of which their music gains a spark that no recording can embody. Concerts froth the pure creativity and talent of this duo. Gracie’s high-notes can compete with a boiling tea-kettle in steaming pitch. Her high-range is enviable to even popular radio artists, of which the tour has given her and her brother a more fuller tone and confidence. If Clyde Lawrence has etched the richness of his R&B voice; turning it into a constant luxury item. Overall, I have to say that the energy in their MHOW gig was more assured.
Lawrence – Me & You (OFFICIAL VIDEO)
Not that they were “shaking in their boots” in Irving Plaza, but tens of shows between then and now can make someone learn how to make their greatness routine. Gracie’s cheerleader style and swag was infectious as she bounced in notes and kicks. Meanwhile Clyde’s smooth soul keys played with a positive certainty, as if both siblings , now more than ever, that this was their path and it was working out. After all, this show was sold-out, and you can feel that the venue had reached capacity. Moreover, these New Yorkers had the pleasure of seeing family and friends cheering them on in awe that their climb to the top had reached such notable heights. Although we all want things to get better, not every betterment is felt as good. Yet, seeing this brimming talent grow in love, musicianship, and sheer fun, which is why I recommend their concert with full endorsement. They have to be one of the funnest shows with sincerely great openers like songstress Suzy Jones or instrumentalists Huntertones. Thus, if you are looking for a fun night of soul with a duo of superstars check out Lawrence by Clicking Here.
Lawrence – Misty Morning