Concert Review: Maggie Koerner Is PURE PASSION At Mercury Lounge


Maggie Koerner feels like Dolly Parton became the godmother of Amy Winehouse and Stevie Nicks’ vocal child. IMAGINE THAT! Do you know the level of passion and sorcery such a voice could have?!  I was IN AWE of her performance at Mercury Lounge because shesticks you like a spell. Her delivery is pumped with enough emotions to make Judy Garland say, “Damn! She is feeling it!” Hence,  the fact that her songs were abut heartbreak, betrayal, and redemption struck the audience hard. 

To have a voice that sounds as raw and as porous as an ocean’s bed is a miracle. Koerner’s vocals swim like the unknown; filled with creatures and life that you only discover when you listen to her verses. Having such a rich voice, the fact that she sings for the wronged felt right. Frankly, I would love to say that every time someone goes low I happily go high, but, sometimes, you want to get even lower. Sorry Michelle Obama, but when they go low, you go to their grave! Okay, that is a dark thought, but often I think about actions and reactions, of which Koerner combats with notions of “Turn the other cheek.” 

Koerner’s songs might as well say, “Apologies, Jesus! I have no more cheeks to turn!” Thus, when you can’t take another hit, she sings to those pushed to punch back. Her observance of pain and self-defense are both hypnotizing and enlightening. From “Dig Down Deep” to “If I Die,” she analyzes the lines between causing your enemy and becoming like them. This is especially true when we think of the lovers, friends, and family members that broke our heart. Revenge feels “needed,” even if not right. 

Maggie belted her confusion and desires as if she was trying to figure out life on that stage. She shook around, tweaking her hands and gyrating her hips, as if a spirit had caught her. Frankly, it was mesmerizing, particularly, because it was a night that symbolized a person is a show. Yes, there was a play on lighting and her glitzy, grey dress was super cute. Yet, nothing outshone her ability to convey a song: not just sing it. For More Information On Maggie Koerner Click Here.