Concert Review: Maria Usbeck Asks Do We Age Or Mature?

The Sultan Room is a rather new venue that has opened up in BK, which continues to be a music mecca. The history of New York as a music scene has been defined by its ability to make counter-culture into global cultures like, Hip Hop Thus, like the city, Maria Usbeck created that was unique and esoteric: a spiritual concept transferred into sound. While in my album review, I discussed how Envejeciendo was more about growing up than growing old, with the wit and panache of this artiste, the two can be bound. 

This fierce Latina, of Ecuadorian roots, has no qualms laying her heart into her sound and audience.  Her humor and ability to spark a story or chat, combined with her short, curly bob, kept reminding me of the series Fleabag. While the protagonist can be morally questionable, her journey reveals a core theme in Usbeck’s music: our fragility is not in our flaws as much as our denial of them. Think about it! How many times have you heard, “It is not the sin but the cover up?” We work so hard to mask our wounds and insecurities rather than learning how to heal or carry them, which is why getting older is tied to getting maturer. 

Adios A Mi Memoria

Through the years, you lose the the strength for the cover up! Hence, why we are so surprised when someone is old and mean! AREN’T YOU LITERALLY TIRED!?! Hence, there is no amount of “spiritual foundation” to make your soul look like a Maybelline model. From Amor Anciano to Nostalgia, Usbeck showed no human being was meant to be perfect, which is why she is so charming. She stood up there making her rhythms from a synthesizer, singing into the mic like it was an emotional adapter for her impulses and passions, and felt like a lone dove in the gloriously ornate, mosaic-esque backdrop.

Maria Usbeck – Moai Y Yo (Official Video)

All in all, Usbeck was like a priestess for those figuring out their life is theirs. Most of us won’t be rich, famous, or young/ young-looking forever. Though those are the images of people we see splashed across the entertainment, in the “everyday world,” we have to face our aging and Usbeck makes it a beautiful experience/ show. For More Information on Maria Usbeck Click Here.