Concert Review: Middle Kids Redefine Growing Up At Public Arts
Middle Kids played Public Arts to a crowd literally their FOR THEM. Thanks to Spotify Fans First, the group was able to introduce their phenomenal debut, Lost Kids, to their most supportive crowd: fans. A night of positive energy allowed me to reinterpret Middle Kids.
Jittery for their debut, laughing at their online fans, and declaring they like us “apologetic” Americans, Middle Kids’ amiable nature was a welcomed add-on for the night. Their mellow demeanors paint them, personally, as a trio unbothered by life. Yet, all their songs discuss how humans have the tendency to veer from what they need when they do not get what they want. When we are sad, we veer from peace. When we are angry, we go on auto-destruct, and when we are lonely, we isolate ourselves.
Middle Kids – Edge Of Town (Official Video)
“On My Knees”, “Never Start”, “Mistake”, and “Edge of Town” all played to how being an adult does not mean an end to your childhood nature. As Hannah, Tim, and Harry happily bashed their guitars and drums like a bunch of high school kids performing a dream, rock concert in their living room, they showed you never lose your inner child: for better or worse. When Hannah sings, especially at high C in “Old River”, all your childishness at being an adult ruminates and reverberates. She scorches through lyrics with a mature grace while, simultaneously, singing to all the times we have felt like “throwing out our toys” because they were not the ones we wanted.
Middle Kids – Never Start (Official Video)
“Grown up” is a misleading title that presumes there is no “growing” left to do once you become one, but Middle kids melodies and verses gnaw at that lie. As these Aussies charmed the crowd with their dry wit, apparently Denmark and Brazil really want them to tour there, they gave their listeners access to wisdom through a rocking, ruckus chord. Their wisdom being that being an adult is like a middle kid; sure you are older but you never stop learning better behaviors.While their new album, Lost Kids, is as saccharine and sinuous as a lullaby, their live show ups its sweetness with “guitar steroids” and Hannah’s stacking vocality. For More Information On Middle Kids Click Here.
Middle Kids – Mistake (Official Video)
Who was the opening band? They said Wilson but I can’t track them down!
Hi Epsilon,
The band was Wilsen with an E, and you can check them out here: https://www.thisiswilsen.com