Concert Review: Motel Radio Tune In A Spanish Reggae Vibe


People were surprised by Motel Radio, except their fans, of course. For their newest listeners, Motel Radio was exuberantly relaxed. Striking a chord that was, simultaneously, invigorating and calming. They made music sound the way happily dancing on a sunnyday under a gusting tree’s shade should feel. I love moments like that; when one sense activates or summons a phantasmic feel of another. For a group that plays to nostalgia and the wisdom you gain to go forward, by looking back, they were unbelievably present.

The crowd, that included headlining Summer Salt, were superbly impressed by how seasoned Motel Radio felt as performers. They swung and swayed around that stage as if they had begun a secret game of “ring around the rosie.” Their childlike fun and joy made them seem professional, which is EXACTLY what performing should do for an artist. You can’t, or at least shouldn’t, feel so planned and purposeful. There has to be an element exuberance and spontaneity, especially if you are playing tracks that flare with a Spanish Reggae Vibe. Motel Radio understood that if they were going to be the quintessential sound of “gleefully chilling” they had to look calm and easy-going. 

Motel Radio – Honey (Live at One Eyed Jacks)

From wishing happy birthdays to pointing out at the crowd, as if they knew individuals, Motel Radio can give a theater course on ”How to look like your are deeply connecting with a crowd even though the lights are bright, so you can’t seen them, and you, also, do not know them.” I would attend. Yet, this capacity turned tracks like, “Honey,” “M.I.A,” and “Midnight,” felt like smooth energy fields that were walked through by how you listened to them. Lead vocalists, Winston and Ian, whom I interviewed, harmonized to perfection. Using their voices like picnic covers on their green grassed melodies. Somehow, they transferred images of nature into their rhythms as they sung to their own human nature. 


Past loves, past laughs, and past choices never stop defining us, but Motel Radio remind listeners that the past is vast. You don’t remember and recall everything, but you do choose which few  “pictures” your mind replays. For them, those that replay the love they had will be loving people forever. Make sense! For More information On Motel Radio Click Here.