Concert Review: Pavo Pavo Give Frequencies At Baby’s All Right

It is hard to describe Pavo Pavo’s effect, but it kind of feels like the sleepy dreaminess you get after an exciting day or a good meal. As you go to rest, your mind captions all the “feel good” moments of the day, and you feel both satisfied/ fulfilled that, at least, one day on this earth felt magically right. At Baby’s All Right, Pavo Pavo encompassed THAT exact feeling.

I kept on thinking of Fleetwood Mac’s Future Games, and how Pavo Pavo sound like that song made a band. It is crazy to encompass the energy of not an artist, but, instead, their greatest hit. Yet, that is the wonder of Pavo Pavo. They are more an entity than an artist because they aim for music’s atmospheric power more than its sentiment. Sure, you will catch a feeling as you hear “No Mind” or “Statue Is A Man Inside”, but the importance is that you catch a frequency; one that transforms your being/ emotions into a set place.

Maybe, it’s the how violin and synths sprite and orb around you like you are Sailor Moon. Maybe, its how Eliza Bagg, Oliver Hill, and Ian Romer’s voices interchange and harmonize like they were three teas being blended by God with a golden spoon. Maybe, it is because I did not expect to go to a Saturday night show, and exit with the calm of a post-yoga class. It was a surprising and welcome effect considering weekends are aimed to be about “getting lit”. Yet, I felt cosmically spruced and revived by their show. All their melodies glistened like healing crystals to assure that whether Ian was plucking the bass as if its strings were really a bird’s feathers or Eliza was siring her voice like a mermaid, you always felt mystified.
Pavo Pavo – No Mind

As I write this review , I realize it is not easy to encompass the serene yet exciting ambiance of a Pavo Pavo concert. Their show is like choosing to go to a music spa for massages of mindfulness or going to the Milky Way for a groove competition. The point is that you enter their show, and you get taken somewhere else….somewhere mystical. For More Information On Pavo Pavo Click Here.