Concert Review: Pond Turns People Into “Ponders” At Elsewhere

Entering Elsewhere, you could hear the flurries of excitement of what are called: The Ponderers. I know I am, officially, a Ponderer after seeing them twice before, and feeling like they have become my modern, trippy version of the Grateful Dead. Though these bands aim for different plethoras of psychedelia, both The Grateful Dead and Pond have one MAJOR, important factor in common: exclusivity. 

While their music is inviting, there is a proud divide; you either love Pond or you don’t. You either “get” Pond or you don’t. In a music industry that aims for artists to be loved by everyone, Pond wedges itself into a special, invigorating, and, kind of, cultish dynamic. To love them, places you in a community of people that will forever go to a Pond show because they provide us an energy that speaks to our inner frequency. At Elsewhere, it felt like we had come to a Comic Con convention completely dedicated to every cinematic force/ song that made us feel somebody infused our oxygen with peyote and sage. 
Pond – Sixteen Days (Official Video)

Pond oozes a level of kaleidoscopic mindfulness, you wonder if, at least once, meditative monks played “Sweep Me Off My Feet,” “Paint Me Silver,” “Sixteen Days,”or “Fire In The Water” to elevate their thoughts. Pond’s ability to turn instruments into prisms is fascinating; every chord, key, synth and snare rattles like a neon snake slithering with rhythm. Yet, this snake is charmed, and taking you back to the Eden you belong. From “Don’t Look at the Sun or You’ll Go Blind” to “Man It Feels Like Space Again,” I pondered if this is how I am supposed to feel and think? Is this what being “woke” is; blanking your mind enough so that it can, basically, go all Wreck It Ralph and warp into different, colorful games to remove all your coded glitches. 
Pond – Fire In The Water

Pond are one of the few artists that make you 100% stay in their presence because it is hard to think of work stresses during “The Weather” and “30.000 Megatons.” Moreover, I am convinced Nick Allbrook was bred by Ziggy Stardust and Mick Jagger. He guzzles and slurps his notes as if they were ambrosia wine, and sways his hips and shoulders as if he was being poured and swirled in glass. This chemistry only furthers your wish for music to, literally, be consumable. What a healthier world it would be if we could all take a Pond pill! For More Information on Pond Click Here.  Pond – Man It Feels Like Space Again