Concert Review: Remi Wolf Takes You Elsewhere

People are desperate! I say that most banally. People want to go out and feel as good and free as they used to, which is why when I saw Remi Wolf, at Elsewhere, I saw a group of people eager to feel as young as they did in 2019.Why? This pandemic has aged people more than just in body but in mind.  The good thing about Remi Wolf is that she feels like the future of music while singing to our nostalgic best.

Introducing new songs from her upcoming album and playing some classics while covering tracks from Gnarls Barkley to Amy Winehouse, Remi felt like a Gen Z icon masked in a vintage set. She had the staples of this generation: baggy clothes, chill vibes, and a vocality that roared with an IDGAF peacefulness. Yes, I know that sounds like a strange, contrasting depiction. Yet, nothing makes you claim your power then not caring how others define it. Lyrically, that is what Remi Wolf approaches: the instance of awakening a person can have when they makes themselves their “person” like in songs “Liquor Store” and “Photo ID.” Yet, the coolest aspect of her show is her actual, nonchalant personality. 

Remi Wolf feels unprepared, which I mean as a HUGE COMPLIMENT. She strolls on the stage as if she just walked on it, by chance, and had the most natural talent of dominating it. She is the spiritual equivalent of going to a karaoke bar and hearing a woman actually impersonate Whitney Houston perfectly to the absolute glee of surrounding ears. Okay, yes, I know she does not sound like Whitney. Yet, do not underestimate her ability to belt out a note and annotate a verse as if she was milking a cow for all it’s got. She drawls and draws her lyrics like they are liquor making her drunk, and the feeling was SO WELCOMED because, again, people miss getting sloshed. 

Whenever I go out to brunch or my usual,”peace of mind” strolls to the Lower East Side, I sense an eagerness to feel safe and fun again. People need to breathe, but, again, we are in a pandemic. Yet, Remi Wolf feels like a star amongst a group of stars that will be ruling our sonic nights in 2022, which is why I pulled some oracle cards, in honor, of my show/ podcast Artist Oracle and new TikTok dedicated to the same themes: building artists by seeing how I build myself.

The Three Cards I Pulled Are Below: