Concert Review: Sam Fender Releases His Inner Rocker At Bowery


I have said that Sam Fender is one of the most thoughtful artists, you will ever see. His verses are incredibly but casually intelligent; commenting on the social, systemic, and spiritual struggles that plague youth inheriting more problems for the future then promise. I truly wish I could say Climate Change will be healed, prejudice and discrimination ended, and hair mullets and perms officially banned, but the world is not that easy to make better. For a moment, at his sold out bowery show, Fender made people feel better that it may not get better, but ,if you have love, then you have it good. 

Sam Fender – Will We Talk? (Official Video)

Sure, the news makes the world feel like it is stuck on a 24 hour replay of Apocalypto, but if you have a funny friend to brunch with and a bae to Netflix and Chill, then a fiery end is not so bad for a warm life. From racism to first-time relationships, Fender’s music spans every interaction you will have in this world: for better or worse. He understands that life is cocktails of dazzling and dooming moments that, no matter what, you have to drink up. Thus, it is no surprise. to me, that he is packing out venues. He gives people what they seek in the two or twelve artists they listen to and packs it into his one, singular presence.

Sam Fender – The Borders (Live) | Vevo LIFT

Funny, friendly, and deeply philosophical; Fender made his crowd laugh, think, and rock out. He might as well have been a Marvel movie with how he spanned emotions. (Sorry Scorsese!) Yet, I did note a difference from when I previously saw him.  Now, with his successful debut, Hypersonic Missiles, released, he is embracing his inner rocker. He was riffing on his guitar and amping his voice like he was auditioning to be the next lead singer for Led Zeppelin, despite having a voice and versed style comparable to Springsteen. Hence, the magic of his show that night was that he made living your life feel like the biggest rock even ever, and the entire crowd’s hearts were moved for it. For More Information On Sam Fender Click Here. 

Sam Fender – Hypersonic Missiles