Concert Review: So Much Light Shines At Bowery Ballroom

So Much Light feels like a cross between John Mayer and the literal Future. Playing Aladdin’s “A Whole New World” on his guitar, like he was Marty McFly, the solo artist sang to what it is to “miss our loved ones”. From distance to a literal break-up, his songs electrified longing, and turn into the tracks you hear to either dance or let yourself be depressed.

Loving someone and not having them by your side SUCKS! Everyone has the right to acknowledge and mourn that truth, but whether we give ourselves the permission to do so is up for grabs. As So Much Light, a.k.a Damien Verrett, asked, “Anyone ever been dumped?”; the crowd felt hesitant to admit it, but they could not deny it has happened. Yet, Damien’s voice sings to that space; where you are learning to be okay with love’s temporary nature. While romance can make you feel like it will last forever, in truth, that is impossible, which is why you Damien’s vocality pulps like yearning turning into flesh.

Sometimes, we can feel wanting someone in our physical heart and bones. It is as if desire can, literally, move our joints. This could explain why songs such as, “Be Afraid”, “Let It Absorb You”, and “Full Body Mirror” contained synth laced melodies that flowed, swished, and plied through tracks like love’s bloodline. Yet, this only highlighted further how cozy and silky his voice feels in resonance. Oddly enough, I kept on thinking of Bachata singers like, Romeo Santos, that utter their verses as if even love’s pain can be seducing.

Surrounded by instruments, So Much Light, definitely, gave off a DIY swag, which upped his approachability. He felt like Love’s Genius; concocting codes and writing book chapters/ songs about the struggles of he dating world, while proclaiming that hurt is worth getting through if, eventually, it leads you into love’s arms. For More Information On So Much Light Click Here.