Concert Review: Sudan Archives Could Violin Through Any Pandemic

I am in absolute awe at what is happening in the world and my hometown of New York. It kind of feels like we are all in a slow-motion car wreck; heading for a disastrous wall but hoping that we can slowly swerve the car out of the way. Not since Trump won the 2016 election or even 9/11, have New Yorkers consistently talked about one thing: coronavirus. Yet, if there is one thing that NYC’ers are notorious for; it is our inability to stop and our humor in the face apocalyptic situations. We just keep going and having fun, even if at different pace, and that truth was felt during Sudan Archives Bowery performance.

Sudan Archives – Confessions

Personally, I have been following with Sudan Archives for some time. As my readers know, I am obsessed with singing violinists: my favorite instrument matched with my favorite act. Thus, I have followed her and Kelsey Lu’s career for some time time, and she was a ROCKETSHIP at Bowery; completely owning her difference and the beauty of her eccentricity. I mean….how many singing violinists do you know and stan? This may seem facetious, but there was a sweet, Lisa Simpson quality to her performance; she was smart, determined, sassy, and elegant, all at once. Parading through her set like Lisa would through town; happy to have her instrument and heart in sync.

Sudan Archives – Glorious

Sudan Archives is a passionate performer; focused and ethereal like, a rocket. She steadies her voice and raiser violin determined to be apart of a sky that holds things like the moon and stars as part of its nature. The way she builds her songs LIVE makes you feel like you are watching someone physically build their fantasy, of which her violin and voice are main-frame for the dream-beats she incorporates. It is a testament to how DIY culture is deep, thoughtful, and necessary. If she is what happens when a person does their own thing…. then let’s spend our quarantines inventing people.

Sudan Archives – Limitless

Naturally, Sudan Archives was grateful for the people that came out, and I was surprised that people even showed. Yet, you can’t deny electricity is powerful and she is electric! She has an amazing ability to make adrenaline feel hyped; as if we all use rain sounds for zumba workouts. Imagine! Yet…. IMAGINE! What a world it would be is calm got us as excited or excitable as panic! Thus, her difference was not only in her sound and style but in her very essence. For More Information On Sudan Archives Click Here.