Concert Review: Synead Is GIVING ME AALIYAH FEELS!!!!!!!!

Walking into Baby’s All Right, I saw Synead chatting with friends, and I knew she was the artist. Mind you I did not know what she looked like, despite seeing a picture, and, obviously, hearing her work. Yet, there was this X factor that made her stand out amongst the crowd/ You knew she was going to perform, and that is a lucky quality to have. 

If I can tell you are the artist a mile away then you are, certainly, going to go miles in your career. It mean you carry notice, and Synead knows it. She treats the stage like her destiny, and a brightness enters her that clearly says, “I got this.” She has ABSOLUTELY NO FEAR, and plays coy but genuinely welcoming as she invites the crowd to come close and hear her cover  “Baby Boy” and sing originals like “Zenith.” Her sound feels like Aaliyah if she STARTED NOW. 

More than ever, music is fusing with a very cyber backdrop. Even a tropical sound feels virtualized as if you are drinking a sangria made of pixels or swimming in a beach made of synths. The point is that a virtual world is now the opening to people’s private ones. From “Goldmine” to “Lost In The Wild” Synead digitized rhythms hugged her silk, sentient voice. She treats emotions and lyrics like drapes she must shake, wave, and push aside to let the sun in. Luckily, as a person and performer, she has the ripe balance of confidence and amiability to show that you become an artist when you become yourself. Synead is an artist. For More Information On Synead Click Here.