Concert Review: The Score Go Wild At Irving Plaza

The Score are the perfect band to “score” a wild night. They create the tracks you play when you want to feel or “Higher” or like a “Revolution” is coming to your life. At Irving Plaza, the duo did not have too much space to move around, as the stage was filled with instruments, but the little they had amplified how much they could fill your heart with energy.

As they bounced around in place and wailed their guitars as if their strings could scream, The Score reminded me of a college-dorm party. I simply recalled every moment I and a bunch of “schwasted” friends sang out loud that we were a “Legend” or “Miracle”. This may seem like a humorous memory to drudge up, but it is vital in terms of their appeal. Our happiest, most music consuming moments are usually with our friends and a good beer. Thus, their sound recalls where it is music is most listened to and treasured. They rile up the cockiness of being young and completely unaware of how hard life can get, but still feeling like, no matter what, it will get better.
The Score – Legend

The Score’s rousing optimism was contagious as the crowd applauded with Eddie Anthony and Edan Dover. Anthony leapt from the stage, and sang into the crowd with a bravado that made him look unconquerable. His voice felt like a radiator: packing heat to warm cold hearts and add temperature to chanting lyrics. The Score have the tendency to take one word, like “Unstoppable”, and make it into a world of mental loops/ musical hooks. They want you to feel like nothing can stop you from what you want, and wish to ingrain that mentality in your brain like a spiritual fitness instructor.
The Score – Legend

Though not the longest set, The Score gave a vivacious one. Their demeanor was filled with adrenaline as Edan Dover lead claps and sing-alongs as if we were in an Olympic celebration. Their lively attitude and music was the perfect setup for headliner Echosmith, and for you to remember that whenever you want to feel like human dynamite, exploding in brightness, then you should see The Score. For More Information On The Score Click Here.
The Score – Unstoppable (Lyric Video)