Concert Review: Y La Bamba Shines Like A Tarantino Film

It may have been the power-suit or she slid and shook around in with her “cool cat” shoes, as she played her guitar, but Y La Bamba’s lead singer, Luz Elena Mendoza, felt like one of the members of the Reservoir Gangs: Ms. Red. There was a cool, collected vibe to her that kept on reviving every Quentin Tarantino film in my head; as if she, herself, was on her way to Kill Bill after she killed her Brooklyn Bowl set.

With a Puerto Rican flag on stage (WEPA! WEPA!), Y La Bamba flows between Spanish and English lyrics to create a setting that erases the borders of your mind to launch and endless loop of dreams. She is so calm and and sparkling with intelligence; as if before she gets on stage she goes on a vision quest (lol!). I think she would appreciate my wit because she it wit incarnate; she is the playfulness and serenity that is born when you decide you really can’t be anybody yourself.

Y La Bamba – Boca Llena (Official Music Video)

Even our choices to be fake our genuine choices; the decision to not be who we really want to be out of fear that he or she will not be desired. Yet, for some like Luz and the entire band Y La Bamba, being fake is not a real option. In essence, you ever feel like you could not be anybody but you, even if you wanted to be or tried? Like you were born so transparent and obvious that a chance to be someone else or have a little cover would be nice? Playing off albums Mujeres and Entre Los Dos, each song felt like indie flick reeling through the wins, wishes, and woes of feeling like an outcast because you are a genuine dreamer.

Y La Bamba – Mujeres (Full Album)

Because Y La Bamba’s music is so, lyrically, sentimental, it was hard not to feel, like live, they were anthemic. Whether chords were surfing or striking in arrangements, no change of melodic pace could alter their singular step of feeling like really cool outcasts. Their music was subtly visionary, and Luz emanated like a slick lamp tossing notes like morphing lava. For More Information On Y La Bamba Click Here.