Concert Review: Yelle Is A Living Dorothy At Rough Trade NYC
From the minute Yelle walked out with a ruby-shined jacket and skirt, I knew I would love her. Fabulosity could not be denied as she appeared to have skinned Dorothy’s red-slippers to make a greater fashion statement. The French Dance Queen was readying to liven up a packed house for a trip to an Electro OZ.
YELLE – Romeo (Lyric Video)
Yelle is the concert you go to when you want feel like you have done a Zumba class for an hour. It was non-stop jumping and cheering as each of her tracks felt like human gameboys. She honestly seems like she leaped out of a PS4 system to high-kick and Zelda- sword your bad mood. In a time when getting out your head seems more difficult, Yelle made you feel like you did not have one. It was pure euphoria as she played her hits like “Comme Un Enfant”, “Je Veux Te Voir” and some newer tracks like, “Here And Now”. Scaling through her repertoire, I realized Yelle is living proof of how we can simultaneously change and not change. Her music will always be about aiming for a happiness that seems beyond you, despite coming from you, like “Safari Disco Club” or “A Cause Des Garcons” ( my fave tracks). Yet, newer tracks like “Romeo” and “Interpassion” show her desire to build her tracks from bursts of energy to anthems for it. I could not help but believe “Interpassion” should be a FIFA track. Moreover, Yelle certainly moves like she is training for a soccer game. From “matrixing” to punching air, she was near combustible, but her back-up dancers/ instrumentalists truly amped her dance queen appearance. Wearing black and white track-suits that made them looked as if they were marked by road-lines, they were hilarious, supportive, and fierce in their connection to Yelle and the audience. One man was lucky enough to be chosen by them to sing with Yelle on stage, and get a nice instagram “Your Story” from it. These guys were like two, radiant knights drawing the crowd to bow before their queen. I know have said “queen” twenty times, but when you see one, you know one.
YELLE – Ici & Maintenant (Here & Now)
Yelle was simply fun in both music and presence. I remember saying to myself, if I could approach everyday like Yelle, I think l would never have a bad day again. She blooms with a positivity that shows you such energy is what defines glamor. We think it is the phenomenal outfits, cool back-up dancers, and vogue-esque dances, but all that would be nothing without the willed choice to look at the sunnier side of life. She does, and her music makes you want to live in it. For More Information On Yelle Click Here.
YELLE – Interpassion (Vertical Video)