Concert Review: Yellows Days Comes Through At MHOW
“This next song is about getting your heart broken and smoking some weed after,” Yellow Days announced to the Music Hall of Williamsburg crowd. In that one sentence, he pretty much surmised his music and essence. He feels like the guy quietly smoking a spliff, and glaring at his roof while pondering, “Why girl? We could have been so good together!”
If requited love is the most beautiful experience you will ever have then rejected love is the ugliest. All of Yellow Days songs focus either on the mysticism of romance or the madness that ensues when it dies. His guitar melodies vaped into the ambiance while his voice vexed the many times love’s sweet fruit turned bitterly sour. Naturally, the audience loved the undercurrents of melodrama that wove into tracks such as, “Your Hand Holding Mine,” “Holding On,” and “Nothing’s Going to Keep Me Down.” He sings as if he is Romeo cursing at the stars for making him lose his Juliet, and he has a voice that would make Fate and all the cosmos listen.
Yellow Days – The Way Things Change (Official Video)
Yellow Days is the epitome of a dynamic singer, which allows his concert to be a reintroduction into his music. Not only does he deliver a perfect take of his songs, but he also gives a different one. He is more playful with his range and willingness to leap octaves according to his mood. He croons songs, even yelping through tracks such as “Gap In The Clouds” or “What’s It All For,” to emote their tragic, romantic nature. Within three minutes, you feel like you are falling in love, but, becoming aware that like a candle, the light/ relationship has to extinguish. Such unlimited finiteness felt amplified by the moving pictures of him that splashed in the backdrop, the disco-ball that twinkled in the sky, and a back-up trumpet player that could easily join Heaven’s horn section.
Yellow Days – How Can I Love You? (Official Video)
As couples embraced, Yellow Days gathered notes like a rake does fall leaves. The ambiance felt autumnal; with love’s colder winds moving out the brisk joy of a summer romance. Yes, I know I am getting super metaphorical, but Yellow Days’ show must be described imagery. His voice and bluesy R&B posts pictures on your mind of all the times you dreamed of “the one,” and the other times you wish you never thought of “him” again. For More Information On Yellow Days Click Here.