Concert Review: Zimmer Makes The Crowd Role Play At Rough Trade

Prepare for a review/ the tale of Zimmer at Rough Trade. Surrounded by beautiful Brazilian women trying to use their beauty to buy a sold-out ticket to Zimmer and talking to a couple, whom claimed to be a “friend of a friend,” I witnessed how much Zimmer fans love him; believing him to be a massive, innovative force to the DJ scene. Yet, when he came out to say hello to his agent, no one noticed him: not the Brazilian women, whom even tried to get into his soundcheck, or the “friend of a friend.”

He was THERE: a regular, ready to chill guy, looking, literally, for his buddy. I chuckled as I watched the world talk about seeing him and no one was looking. Yet, the moment only stood out because of his work on stage. There he became an example of how the stage turns somebody into a icon you must see; it is there when humanity finally embraces its divinity. Amongst lights and steam, he stretched his body to hand us rhythms that felt plotted as deeply as metal graves. Sonically, there was something “ghoulish” about his mixes. Maybe, it is because it was “The Day of The Dead” or remnants of Halloween were flurrying through the fire, but there was something heavy to his sound that was not just the baseline.

Zimmer’s music is like an 80’s film noir from Europe. You can see big hair and shoulder-padded, leather jackets waltzing down dark, industrial hallways “planning” something. In truth, DJ’s live and thrive according to the vibe they give their crowd. Their music is the launchpad to not only your imagination, but also the new “role” you will pick in said vision. In a way, every DJ is an invitation to mentally cosplay, and become a character you wish you could be in life, even if for a day. For Zimmer, his crowd was becoming a pack badass, kickass vigilantes; ready to confront the local gangster hustling the needy for their few dimes. I know that is a strange vision, and may not seem like one that makes you want to dance. Yet, we all wish, at least once, to be a defender against darkness, and Zimmer shrouds you with shady sounds so you can be the dancing light. For More Information on Zimmer Click Here.