Diandra Interviews Nightly: Growing Up To Grow Your Dreams!

The perks about meeting an artist is that, when the veil drops, you witness the humanity behind the creativity. Of course, you do not, always, want the veil to drop because there are instances when a really mean person can make a really great piece of art. Those moments leave us torn; how do we love something from someone that is not loving? Yet, in meeting Nightly, I felt relieved that such a good group of guys were making such great music. In our interview, we went behind the veil of a group that is happily growing up to grow their dreams

Diandra: What do you think your displays about your artistry? 

Jon: It means something personal.We were trying to think of something with the word “night” in it because the first song we had ever written was called “The Night.” We had thought of the phrase, “Night, Love You!” as a text you would send to someone. We thought, as a concept, of all the implications that text would carry for a relationship if you send it to someone every day. A lot of our songs were about things we went through, and we went to keep that as a mantra; everything we do is true and relevant to us personally and what we go through. 
Nightly – Who Am I To You (Audio)

Diandra:  Do you think music has to be personal to be true? 

Jon: I don’t know. I think there is music for different things. Like, sometimes, when you go to the club, you want to hear music that is bangin. Not that we go to the club a lot (they laugh). As far as us, we want it to be personal. 

Joe: We look back on our favorite songs and they were just something that we connected to and felt like real life. 

Diandra: In being personal, are there moments when it gets too personal? 

Jon: Sometimes. There was one song, we haven’t put it out yet, but I said an ex’s name, and I was like, “Do have to call her and ask for permission?” 

Joe: It was Taylor Swift. (They laugh.)

Jon: It is a little weird because you will get people that come up to you and think they know you or the situation. They’ll say, “Wow, you must have really had your heart broken.” So it’s weird to know that strangers know something about your life that, in another line of work, would never be revealed like, if you were a police officer. Yet, we haven’t gotten too personal just yet where I am uncomfortable. Everything is cathartic, and the thing that makes it worth it IS having someone say how much our songs mean to them or how they can relate, which, again, can only come with being in this line of work. )

Diandra: What is a strength and weakness you have learned from being an artist, and how has music helped you work through them? 

Joe: Hmmmm…. that is a really good question. Ugh, Jon and I, in this band, we have learned that we are both really comfortable with what we are good at and the other is good at. I think that happens with bands that everyone has their talent, and, sometimes, its hard to let other people have them. If that makes sense? Like we are cool with each of us being good at different things, and understanding that we do not have to be good at the same things. We understand each other’s role. 

Diandra: So what do you guys feel you offer each other as creatives and partners going through the music industry? 

Jon: As far as the creative process, we all bring different things. I am, maybe, more on the melody/ lyrics side, and Joe is good with guitar things, which inspire my melodies and lyrics. As far as the music industry, I think we keep each other grounded. Being away from family and having so many things not go according to plan, it is is good to have each other’s back. We also make a pretty good Fortnite unit. (They laugh) 
Nightly – Talk To Me

Diandra: You have said your songs are like snapshots of your life. Can you name some of your songs and the “snapshots” that inspired them? 

Jon: I  meant that in terms of capturing. The kind of albums that we loved when we were growing up were the ones that, when you listen to it, you remembered a moment or who you were back then. Like Coldplay’s Parachutes, when I hear that album, i just remember that time and space in my life, and we want to make music that does same for others. Our first EP, is very much October 2015 through March 2016 for me. I don’t know what it is to others, and granted I was going through different things in my life than I am now, but when I hear it, I think of that period in my life.
Nightly – XO

Diandra:  Your songs can be bombastic but your lyrics can be sad and introspective. What is it about that contrast you find endearing?

Joe: (They laugh) Yeah….. I think it made sense when we were writing it. That is the thing about this band; we want to be honest. We don’t want to write or make anything that does not feel real or right to us. Maybe, it is crazy. 

Diandra: I think it is reflective. Like a person, the beat is the first impression/ thing you meet, and then you hear the lyrics like your getting to know the person,  and  you see, “Oh my God! They are hurting! (They Laugh!)

Jon: Well, for some reason, when you are writing songs it is like therapy. So I don’t know why those sad lyrics come out because it is not like our lives our bad. It’s just for some reason that come out. 

Diandra: When it comes to the past and future, how do you think you have grown and will grow in the music you give fans? 

Jon: Hopefully, continuing honesty and confidence in what we are doing. When you first get into this business, you have wide eyes, and then you see how things do not go according to plans. Some things go better and some things go worse. The people that stay in it, really do love it. Love of music will always motivate us in whatever capacity; not to be corny about it. Hopefully, it is something fans can see. 
Nightly – Miss You Like Hell (Audio)

Do you feel your love has grown for music as professional artists? 

Joe: I think you appreciate it more. I think there is something to being terrible at something for awhile because, when you look back, you can see how many bad things you have survived. You grow as a person. You learn not to worry so much and see that the show goes on. 

Time makes you grow up for your dreams, and Nightly is growing a lot! For More Information on Nightly  Click Here.