Diandra Interviews XYLØ: Growing Up Through Growing Your Music

When I think of fearless, I do not think of a life without fear. I simply do not think that is possible. Instead, I think of someone who learns to carry their fear rather than let is carry them through life. In this sense, XYLØ is fearless. She is branching away from her sibling duo to create a tree of music that will blossom through femininity and self-empowerment. In our interview together, she shows that growth, as a person, should be most important to an artist.

Diandra: What has going solo taught you about maneuvering the music industry by yourself?

XYLØ: Being a solo artist has taught me a lot about being more independent and confident in myself. I was always so shy (still am) but now I feel I can walk into a room a feel comfortable letting my guard down. It has also taught me- No one person is going to make you successful (Me: #wisdom). You have to be willing to do anything you can to help make that happen. Along with a great team of course!
Being in a duo taught me a lot about compromise and attitude. Those lessons I still value to this day. I learned what kind of person I want to be in a work environment. Being kind, considerate, and putting yourself in someone else shoes can go along way – especially with maintaining healthy relationships. BUT I also learned, you can’t always compromise your own destiny for someone else’s… 
XYLØ – Heaven Only Knows (Official)

Diandra: How do you feel signing with a major label and separating from your brother has pushed you as an artist? 

XYLØ: I am able to work harder and focus more on the things I feel are important, like finding my voice and what I want to say as an artist. Being solo has allowed me to find that. I am able to express my creative vision more freely. Especially the way I dress, my artwork and music videos. 
I LOVE being with my label. They are so supportive, tentative. and allow me the freedom to make the art I want to make. 

Diandra What are the differences in your perspectives on love, life, and how do both inspire your songwriting? 

XYLØ: I think life is something you search for and love is something that finds you. At least in my experience. (Me: Remember THAT WISDOM PEOPLE!) I put more pressure on my life than on my love life because I’m still figuring shit out. I currently am very much in love so I guess it has “found me” already and the hard part is done (haha). Both inspire my songwriting, but, at my age, so much is changing and I’m learning how to be an adult so theres more for me to talk about on that end. 
XYLØ – Don’t Panic (Audio)

Diandra: What was a moment, in your career, that left your parents incredibly proud? 

XYLØ: Probably the sold out show at The Troubadour in our hometown, Los Angeles. That was a really fun night

Diandra: Your grandfather is a major influence on your sound. Name your first or happiest musical memory with him? 

XYLØ: I have some great memories of my grandpa giving me a drum lesson in his home studio after a family dinner. My family is very Italian. So every Sunday we would eat spaghetti and meat balls then for dessert some cappuccino and biscotti, and then my grandpa would take us in the studio and give us a lesson or play for us. 

Diandra:  How do you feel your growth and comfort as an artist is reflective of you as a person? 

XYLØ: Like most people you grow and mature in life, my art did too. I feel more confident as a writer and a singer then I did when I was in a duo. 

Diandra: “Don’t Panic” is all about coming into your own. How do you feel your new music will reflect how you have come into your own?

XYLØ: I touch base on a lot of topics related to growing up, in my lyrics. I talk about , love, loss, dating, insecurities, needing validation from strangers online, friendships in LA, and feeling like an outcast in your family. I want to talk about all the things I’m feeling as I’m “coming of age” so that maybe it can help/relate to people going through the same things.
XYLØ – I Don’t Want To See You Anymore (Audio)

Diandra: How would you define your current, music identity? 
XYLØ: Coming of Age, Femme, Unapologetic are the 3 words I think embody my music the best. 

I do not know about you, but I think XYLØ is incredibly fierce and determined, which my readers know I LOVE as qualities in a person/ artist. She is the ripe balance between someone whom is solidified in their talent yet open to growing their art, which is a powerful lesson every artist must learn. No one can take away that you are talented, but everyone can try to stop and influence how you create. This young lady will be STOPPED BY NO ONE! For More Information On XYLØ Click Here.